We are finally in March, which means the expectation and countdown for the equinox is also in the back of my mind. I love Spring. After the dark, cold winter. Days get longer and longer as they approach the spring equinox and on the special day. Both day and night have the same length. From that point on, light hours increase until reaching the longest day of them all in the summer solstice.
The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator –the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator– from south to north. And indicates the first day of Spring. This happens on March the 19th, 20th, or 21st every year.
According to the Universal Coordinated Time, the March Equinox, this year, is on Monday, 20th of March 2017, at 10:29 UTC.
Traditionally, the spring equinox, evokes renovation and rebirth of wisdom and fertility. It's a day to celebrate life and joy. Eggs, seeds and the rabbit are symbols of this day. The first two represent all the new life and the last one is one of the animals that by that time comes out of its burrow. We can see how some of this symbolism has been carried out on other cultures. As Christians use eggs and rabbits around the same time in a celebration they call Easter. While, among pagans the equinox is known as Ostara. Ostara is the name of an ancient Germanic divinity of spring, Goddess who embodied dawn and the awakening of germinative forces. It means something like "rising sun."
The Tubilda celebrate life and use the awakening energy of spring by doing some purification rituals. We cleanse ourselves, our homes and our energies by, first of all waking up when the sun rises. And drinking a lot of water with lemon! You can do some exercise or turn on some music to bring up those good energies and, after breakfast, it is time for a deep cleaning of the hole house. Basically, everything in the house is thoroughly cleaned and we also get rid (recycle or donate) any item that we no longer need. The norm is; if you haven't used an specific item for more than a year... It is likely that you don't need it.
Spring is the epoch of beginnings and action. Night and day are practically as long at the spring equinox so it is also time for balance both exterior and interior. Renew and reborn; These are the goals of this day. So we take a closer look into the inside and we make a list of all the things we are grateful for as well as all the things we want to achieve this year. And while we meditate about that we purify our bodies, and then our home by burning the tip of some herbal cleansing sticks and use the smoke to cleanse the house, room by room.
This will energetically mop up any lingering residue within the space. This ancient technique is used to wipe away negativity and stale energy.
Smoke cleansing is a practice that has been around for a long time, though it shouldn’t be confused with smudging, a sacred ceremony performed in many indigenous communities that invites spirit to join them for their rituals. These two words are often used interchangeably, however, they are different. Smoke cleansing uses a variety of dried plants and woods to help cleanse a space energetically, removing bad vibes. The herbs we traditionally use in my family are sage, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and bay.
To finish up the tasks of the day we do some gardening. We usually plant seeds on fertile soil, or young trees in a forested area. Or even small plants in pots in the garden or window sill.
Afterwards the day follows as any other good party would, with a reunion of friends and family, a banquet, festive mood and celebration music and decoration where flowers and water are the protagonists.
Are you also excited for springtime?
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