Monday, 27 February 2017

Awakening on the Inside. The Benefits of Meditation.

The art of meditation isn't hard to master. This ancient relaxation technique aims to increase concentration and spiritual awareness. The regular practice of meditation helps to focus all attention on something concrete; A goal, our breath, a thought that you wish to attract ... And the experts on the subject affirm that it opens the door to both the growth and spiritual progress of our being.

Meditation is a method, which allows us to improve our lives, and like the oriental masters, we can discipline our minds, solve problems and begin to create our own reality.
The only thing necessary is the desire and the effort to achieve it.
One of the ways to dominate the mind is by silencing it. Meditation quietens the mind, helps you control your thoughts and revitalises your body.

Those facts are not just backed-up by spiritual individuals. It is also been proved that meditation reduces stress, anxiety and depression, as it raises the levels of serotonin, a powerful neurotransmitter, whose deficiency is linked to depression.
In addition, it activates brain areas related to positive emotions, relieves chronic pain and reduces the risk of suffering heart disease.

After several days practising meditation, without the need to have a great experience, the levels of antibodies raise.

Whenever I meditate I feel a rising peace coming from within, and expanding towards the outside expressed in a subtle happiness. I feel like the ancient Oak upon a cliff, like the serene lake with deep blue waters and like the birds swaying with the wind.  And yet I feel more awake, more centred, more present.   
Water Lilies by Claude Monet
Meditation technique;

For starters it is important to find a quiet place. As meditation has to be comfortable and secure, your posture should also be comfortable and firm. In fact you can choose any position as long as you keep the column straight, and if we wish; We can put relaxing music on.

We will close our eyes and concentrate on what we have chosen as the support of our attention.
Sit comfortably, relaxing your body as much as possible without collapsing or bending your spine. You can relax your tense muscles with these exercises:
  1. Drop your head on your chest, Inhale and exhale deeply three times. Returns to the correct position.
  2. Tilt the head back, inhale and exhale deeply three times. Returns to the correct position.
  3. Tilt your head to the left. Then turn to the right and inhale and exhale deeply three times.
  4. Then turn the head in a circle, three times to one side and three times in the other direction.
  5. Breathe in rapidly through your nose until your lungs fill-up. Hold the air for a moment, after which and with a sound of ... Hah ... you will exhale through the mouth. Repeat three times.
  6. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nostrils. Feeling swelling in the middle of the stomach, do it three times (this serves to remove all the air spent from the lungs).

Now with your body relaxed and breathing in a normal, though deep way, focus until you imagine your body wrapped in water, air or light.

Turn your attention to your toes. Make them relax, making the tension and tiredness disappear from them.

Repeat this with the whole body. Bit by bit. With every single part of your body. 

Finishing with the forehead to be able to focus directly into the third eye. Deepen your concentration more and more in the third eye, transcends the material self, because only then can you meet your inner self.
Just relax, and let flow up, toward the energies. Let yourself be carried by the magnetic impulses if you feel them. You can then pray, conjure, or visualise whatever you'd like. 

Before finishing your meditation session. Take a last deep breath and open you eyes very slowly. Do not rush, incorporate yourself slowly and stretch your muscles.

I find it very funny how time perception changes when you meditate. Sometimes what it feels like a minute turns out to be fifteen and what felt like an hour is just five minutes. Does that happen to you as well?

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Siblinghood. I Carry Your Heart, I Carry it in My Heart.

Do you have any siblings? Coming from a large family I realise how the relationship I have with them is unique. 

It is almost like a silent presence that connect us, the following poem by E. E. Cummings expresses what I am trying to say in a much more beautiful way. Hope you enjoy it:

2016 Holidays 
I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart) I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)

I fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Nutrition. The Thing that is Keeping You Alive.

Food. If you think about it our lives revolve around food. I don't know about you, but I am always looking forward to my breakfast, and then lunch and dinner. Also all major events of our lives turn around food as well; birthdays, weddings, even funerals.
The Roman God of the Seasons,
by Giuseppe Arcimboldo 
Nowadays is very easy to get something to eat, we just comfortably walk to the nearest shop, supermarket or, even, vending machine. But in the past people had to work very hard to get a single meal. In the case of vegetables, people had to grow them, plant them, care for them and safeguard them from a variety of plagues and weather conditions, recollect the fruits and vegetables, clean them, cook them, conserve and store to use in the season in which those specific plants don't grow. 
When it comes to animal produce, they had to hunt, fish or raise the animals. And once they'd manage to find and catch them, they'd had to flay, clean and prepare the meat before even been able to cook and eat it.  

It is great that most of us are no longer restricted to those activities in order to acquire the food we need to survive, but as we've given up the responsibility to grow our own food we have also forgotten why we eat (to nourish ourselves), we have lost the sacred aspect of food as well as the knowledge of the one thing that is keeping us alive. 

For the first time in history, without considering great catastrophes such as wars or a mass disease, the life expectancy of the next generation is shorter than the one of their parents. That is just insane! The report, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, says the prevalence and severity of obesity is so great, especially in children, that the associated diseases and complications -Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer- are likely to strike people at younger and younger ages.
We are slowly killing ourselves, all due to our current sedentary lifestyle and massive intake of processed denatured "food" packed with high doses of added sugar, salt, saturated fats and preservatives, that are completely absent of beneficial nutrients. This situation has gone out of hand. But the good news is that recovering that sacred knowledge is very easy. I am not a nutritional expert but after reading several books on the subject including; Food Matters by Mark Bittman, The Body Book and The Longevity Book both by Cameron Diaz and Sandra Bark and The Great Book of Healthy Living by Txumari Alfaro and Raúl de la Rosa, to name a few. I think I have got some notions, and although I am no expert I will try to explain the basics of nutrition as well as I can:

In my opinion nutrition is not just about food. Because depending on your age, your environment, if you are physically active or not, your genetics, if you have a healthy intestinal flora, your levels of stress, among other factors, will determine the levels of nutrients and calories your body requires. Calories are the energy that each aliment contains, the more active we are the more calories we will need. Broadly there are three main groups of nutrients. 
  • The ones that we need in larger amounts (named Macro-Nutrients) composed of Carbohydrates,  Proteins, and Fats.
  • The ones that are needed in a less greater amount, but are still essential, (known as Micro-Nutrients) which are Vitamins and Minerals.
  • And a third group is Water, and though not really a nutrient, but that also has a direct effect on them, we find Fibre.  
Let's get some more specific details of each of them, shall we?

These are the main source of energy to our body and our brain. Carbohydrates are turned into glucose, a type of sugar, by our bodies and used to provide energy in a cellular level.
Plants make them trough a process called photosynthesis; by mixing the energy of the Sun, water and carbon dioxide from the air. 

Though glucose is a type of sugar, refined sugars that we find on biscuits, cakes, fizzy drinks, and other processed foods, are not nutritious, that type of processed sugar is known as Sucrose.
There are many types of sugar but the following three are te more common: Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose. Glucose is practically everywhere and fuels out bodies, Fructose is the sugar found on Fruits, that is healthy because fruits are also packed with fiber that slows down the abortion of those sugars. Sucrose, on the other hand, adds empty calories to our meals and studies have shown that sucrose sugar bypasses the hormones that tell you're full which means you can overeat without realizing it. Even worst, in order to be processed trough our bodies it consumes B type vitamins, so it is not just empty, it is also stealing valuable vitamins!

Good sources of carbohydrates are whole grains, such as brown-rice, oats or quinoa. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, beetroot, kale and spinach. Fruits, for example, apples and grapefruit. And legumes like chickpeas, beans and lentils.

Proteins are strength. They are broken down into amino acids by our bodies in order to repair and build muscle. Protein are essential components of body cells and are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

All the tissues of the body (bones, skin, muscles, organs...) have a group of proteins to perform their functions. Proteins contribute to cell building, growth and repair. The body needs protein to grow and regenerate.

The best sources are low-saturated fat foods like fish, legumes, eggs, poultry, seeds and nuts. If you opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet take into consideration that protein obtained from almost all plants lack one or several essential amino acids, plant sources must be combined with a complementary vegetable to form complex proteins.

Healthy fats are essential. Fats belong to the group of lipids, are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. They form a fundamental part of the cell membrane and their role is primordial in the absorption of some vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. Also, fats help balance our body temperature.

There is this widespread belief that fats are unhealthy and undesirable, so lets re-friend fats, they don't deserve to be treated that way! There are three types of Fats: Saturated (the one we should avoid), Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

A diet rich in monounsaturated fats, present in vegetable oils (the best is olive), avocados, peanuts and walnuts, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
There are two types of polyunsaturated fats: the omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils. They regulate blood pressure, coagulation and enhance immune responses, as well as keeping a healthy functioning brain, retina and spine. And omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in sunflower, rapeseed and corn oils. Essential for growth, cell structure and maintenance of a healthy immune system. 
Saturated fats, on the other hand are present in coconut and palm oils, although they are more abundant from animal origin derived from red meat and dairy products such as sausages, whole milk, cream or ice cream.
The ingestion of these fatty acids should be limited as they increase the danger of cardiovascular disease.

Unlike macro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals do not provide energy and are only required in small amounts, but their role is crucial in the normal functioning of the body and in the digestion process. Vitamins are organic, as opposed to minerals which are inorganic substances.

There are many types of vitamins and minerals, with a variety of functions. like keeping your skin, and hair smooth and healthy, Others help you not to be tired and to think clearly.

The main source of them are fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure you eat a variety of them! And avoid "vitamin drinks" as they are artificially added, the body cannot absorb them and are usually packed with sucrose.
Calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous and magnesium are used to build bones.
Iron, copper, folate and vitamin B12 are the blood formers
Vitamins C, A and E, selenium and beta-carotene are antioxidants.
Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6 keep you from tiredness as thy help transform carbs into glucose.
Sodium, potassium and chloride are the hydraters.    

It is actually a type of carbohydrate, but humans cannot digest it, but it is great at aiding our digestive track exercise. It balances cholesterol in our blood and aids with weight loss. Nullifies constipation and prevents diabetes as it regulate sugar levels, and even helps prevent colon cancer.

There are two types of fibre; Insoluble, known as cellulose, and soluble. The first one helps move food and waste down your digestive system. The second one is absorbed in the body and slows digestion to ensure maximum nutrient absorption.

Fiber is found in whole grains like oats, wheat or barley, vegetables like broccoli, carrots and cucumbers, seeds and nuts, fruits like oranges and grapes and legumes like beans or lentils.    

The truth is that we owe our existence to water because it explains to the cells of the body how to distribute energy to make it balanced and productive. In fact water performs so many functions that it is consider it to be life in its most intimate essence; Invigorates, nourishes, transports, lubricates, reacts, stabilises, signals, divides, structures and communicates.

The body needs around two litres of water a day to stay hydrated. Make sure to check your thirst. Being thirsty means you have been needing water for a while. Signs of dehydration include: Dry mouth and skin, a blurry mind, headaches, confusion, fast heartbeat and weakness.

Make sure you drink a lot of water right after you wake up, since the body hasn't got any for, at least, 8 hours, drinking it will revitalize your hole body, it is a great morning ritual!. Remember, the best source of water is water. Not energy drinks, lemonade, coffee, tea, alcohol nor fizzy drinks!     

Thursday, 23 February 2017

A Natural Home.

I love visiting my friends houses, so many aspects of our personally are reflected in our rooms! Apparently adolescents have messy rooms as a reflection of their boiling hormones in the inside. Harmony with nature is one of my greatest ideals and, of course, if you know me you can tell it is also reflected in my home.
White Oak,
photo taken by Darius Tubilda
A natural home reflects a healthy relationship with the environment and a balanced life style. So let me share some tips to enhance the natural energies in our homes;
Always make sure that the house where you live and its furniture are made from ecological building materials; Since they have the advantages of being less polluting, healthier (as they don't release noxious substances) and are more pleasing to the senses and our spirit.

Adobe, stone, brick, bamboo wood and gypsum are healthy and environmentally friendly materials because they require little energy in their production (compared to their synthetic substitutes like aluminium and steel). But to really fulfil their ecological function, their place of origin must be as close as possible to the retailers as it avoids - or diminishes - pollution and energy consumption produced by transport.

We have to be very careful with the type of paint and the varnishes. Since the chemicals they have give off toxic vapors over the years, compounds capable of generating serious disturbances in those who inhale them.
Luckily there are natural paints made from resin that, after drying, they can be washed and they maintain a great capacity of absorption and diffusion. Or mineral paints such as the ones made of lime and silicate; these have porous (allowing a perfect breath of the wall), and are resistant to pollution, fungi and bacteria and can also be washed.
Chemical varnishes emit toxic gases for a long time and denature the materials in which they are applied. So our best option will be to use varnishes proceeding of natural oils (composed of flax-seed oil, castor oil, balsam and pine resin, ground pigments and citrus peel distillates).

Also we have to take into account the fabrics we use - in clothes, sheets, curtains, etc. - organic and natural fabrics are much better: wool, cotton, linen, silk ... since they allow perspiration and are free of toxic substances. And we will avoid clothes that are resistant to wrinkles, that repel stains or water, that do not need ironing or that do not shrink as they are synthetic.

Building insulation is also important. Some healthy and ecological options- as long as they are local products - are:
Cotton, cellulose, cork, fiber of hemp or coconut, wool, linen, wood or straw.
In plumbing it is very important to avoid plastic materials derived from chlorine, such as PVC: they are harmful to our health and to the environment, and very dangerous in case of fire.

As well as the materials it's important not to bring chemical toxins whit our cleaning products. A very easy to make (and economic) homemade recipe for natural cleaning consists in mixing soda bicarbonate,  distilled white vinegar and water. It is great as a multipurpose cleaning solution and you can always add a few drops of essential oils such as pine or teatree to add aroma and extra disinfecting properties. Without jeopardizing your health nor the people you love.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Lessons Learned About Love, Sex and Relationships.

Love, oh love... As the song goes: All you Need is Love! Everybody wants to be loved, to find that someone special. And yet we know very little about love and everything that comes with it: sex, relationships and romance. How come something so vital, something as basic as love isn't taught in schools?
I believe, if we had more information, everybody would enjoy better, healthier, relationships. Redundant as it might sound, I love love and anything that symbolises it, rose quartz is my signature crystal and I always liked the Greek Goddess of love Aphrodite, named Venus for the Romans. So it's a subject I enjoy getting my hands on.
The Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli
First of all, before looking for someone to live with and start a relationship, I consider essential to know yourself first. And once we are well with ourselves we will have more chances to find someone to build something together. In my opinion, there is a mass false belief that exposes that we are halves who need another being to be complete and happy, that we must find our other-half in order to feel fulfilled. I honestly think such a theory is absurd. It creates feelings of dependence in your partner which can easily lead to anxiety and stress. Each of us are whole and complete people, and are able to be perfectly happy without a partner. One of my youngest sisters (she will turn 17 on September) is quite worried about never finding a partner... Actually, looking back on my teens I felt the same way. Perhaps influenced by the impact the media has over us, or maybe because in the olden times the life expectancy was much shorter and thus people had to have children at a younger age (Romeo and Juliet were 15 and 13 respectively). So let me share some of my experiences concerning love and the things I've learned over these years;

Have you ever fallen in love? I have. The first time; I was 14. I could lose myself in his eyes, and listen to him all day long. He was the first person I though of in the morning and the last one before going to sleep... He was a straight friend from high school, so nothing really happened between us...
But I learned that it is very important to be true to yourself and to let go, despite how painful and difficult it might be, when facing unrequited love. 

Not long from that I met the first guy who ever asked me out, I wasn't interested though. But instead of being clear I played around with him just to get attention, which I regret doing now. I have learned that a clear no. Is much better than a diffuse response or ghosting someone. 

I was 15 when I engaged in my first formal relationship and had my first kiss. It was awful by the way; Really slimy and oppressive. For a good kiss, I think it is important to make sure the other person knows what your intentions are, looking at someones mouth and getting close to their face is a good way to do that. Approach him/her a 90% and let the other person do the 10% left. When it comes to the actual kiss, just go with the flow. Experiment, and be honest, get to know yourself and your partner to find out what you both enjoy the most. 
He was the best-friend of the previous guy (uncomfortable I know) whom talked trash about me, and eventually he cheated on me...

I felt hurt, and lonely so I started going out with the first guy who paid any attention to me. I didn't even liked him on the first place, he did some really weird stuff with a Pikachu plush... and he dumped me once he found out I am a witch. This short, but intense, relationship taught me two major lessons. The first one: never neglect your standards and don't start a relationship out of spite. And second: It is much better to be alone than in bad company. 

Then, at age 16, I met a Spanish journalist, if I remember properly I believe he was 22 at the time. We dated for a year but it was mostly carnal. He was nice to me, but whenever I proposed to do something a bit more romantic he would excuse himself saying he was busy. In our anniversary I got him a poem book I knew he'd like and he got me some lubricant so that we could have even more sex. That was the limit for me and I confronted him about it. He confessed he was only interested in engaging in sexual intercourse. So I broke up with him, I realised how important communication is in a relationship... if only we would have talked about it earlier!

A month before my 18th birthday I met my, to this date, longest partner, he was 25 and despite his obscure and troubled past he had managed to learn five different languages, had a stable job and didn't fell into addictions or depression. He has a very strong and charismatic personality that made me admire him and at the same time he is so vulnerable, I loved taking care of him. And just a week later, I moved in with him. The place wasn't anything extraordinary but it felt like a palace to me. We burned steps way too quickly but even though our relationship lasted around 4 years we were not compatible on some key aspects that would injured the relationship on the long run. We were practically married, I truly believed we would always be together. But no matter what we tried the relationship didn't work. We were just not right for each other. I have learned that we cannot compromise our future emotions and, that in order to to make a healthy, long term, relationship work love isn't enough. It is important to know the character of the other person to know if we are compatible. And if the characters are compatible, it is necessary to have as referents some values in common, so that the coexistence is simpler in the long run, discussing things that are part of our way of thinking will only create remorse and build negative feelings. Sex compatibility is also important, good sex helps build and maintain couples. Having a good sexual relationship, usually leads to consider a more continuous relationship. And most importantly, to have a common project. Sharing experiences is essential for a couple. I believe living in harmony is not only sailing in the same boat, but paddling in the same direction.

Monday, 20 February 2017

My Recipes: Pasta Salad with Greens, Blueberries and Anchovies.

The following recipe is one of my favorites. Tasty and full of nutrients, plus it's very easy and quick to make.

Lunch Time,
photo taken by Darius Tubilda

Wholegrain pasta (I recommend the spiral shaped one). Just a hand full.
Your choice of greens (I normally combine Spinach, Lettuce and Kale). Use enough to cover up the base and majority of the plate.
Blueberries (I also add Pomegranate and/or clementines sometimes )
A couple seeds (I usually use Chia and Sunflower seeds)

And for the dressing:
Fresh or dry Basil
Lemon or Lime juice
Extra virgin Olive oil.

And all you have to do is boil the pasta until "aldente". (I never add salt to the water but a couple bay leaves)
Wash up the greens and the berries and sprinkle the seeds and herbs on top.

You can add the anchovies for a good source of calcium and protein and add some contrast to the mild flavor of the salad. Or go completely vegan and add some walnuts perhaps.

Drizzle the olive oil and the lemon juice and Voila! You have got yourself a lovely nutritious meal in less than 10 minutes!


Friday, 17 February 2017

The Truth About Witchcraft, Yes I am a Witch.

What would you think if I say that I am a witch? probably that I am evil and worship the devil, that I am crazy and live in a delusional fantasy or that I am trying to fool you. Well guess what, none of the above are true.

Witchcraft and paganism have been misinterpreted both by the state and by the church for so long that no one understands what we do and what we stand for anymore, we have even been reduced to mere fantasies when, in fact, of all the fantastic creatures that populate our legends witches are the only ones that exist and have vindicated themselves as such.

Little Altar,
photo taken by Darius Tubilda.

Our culture (I see it more as a culture or way of life than a religion) has been misunderstood, blamed and feared for centuries. And loads of legends have been made around it, feeding the prejudice and superstitions. When it is, in fact, a culture based around life and the natural balance that comes from it. I could try to explain all the misconceptions and false beliefs about witches, and challenge the ideas that social media has built, Nevertheless I believe it will be even better to explain the bases of our culture and what it does mean to be a witch:

It means freedom, and being afraid of nothing, not even death. 

It is to see, not to look. To listen, and not to hear. To be present and feel beyond our limitations.

Witchcraft is union. Knowing everything is one, and that we are as old as the universe. 

To be a witch means discipline and responsibility, curiosity and contemplation. 

Witchcraft is education, from a young age, about how the Elements of Nature and our bodies work. Allowing us to make better and informative choices about our health and empowering knowledge at a cellular level.

It is trust, to be faithful to your own spirit. It is a home, a lineage; to learn, to practice, to write, to teach, to protect, to nourish, to love…

It means change. Change towards peace, balance and self-steam.

Being a witch is to question everything, to follow your instinct. Transcend time, space, prejudices and identity.

It is… Magic. 

Traditionally the search for meaning has been carried out on the tribal or mass plane. Mass worship remains the norm for religious groups. However, we are inclined towards a more mystical and spiritual quest in which the "great boss" version of the "creator" or "supreme intelligence" is surpassed, allowing instead a personal connection with a higher level of Consciousness, in other words, we put more emphasis on contemplation and meditation than on worshipping. In resume, witchcraft is build through common sense, the nature of things and under a maternal and avid gaze of knowledge. The philosophy of witches is, basically, a different perspective of our world focused, as I said, in Life.
So, I have decided to honour my lineage and go ahead with the truth; It is who we are, we are not criminals so there is no need to hide, to do so would be a way to underestimate ourselves as well as a way of resignation toward the myths and wanderings that surround our figure. The truth is that there are many variants of living and interpreting the world and, in the case of witchcraft, this is no exception, in fact, each Circle or pagan group, is free to interpret life in their own way and the introduction of new knowledge is one of our usual practices. If I had to describe witchcraft using a single word it would be "movement", because it is not a static culture, witchcraft is always evolving. It comes from one of the firstborn cults of mankind: Shamanism. Archaeological evidence, as found by the Norwegian archaeologist Sheila Coulson, attest to this.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Teenager Confessions on my Early Twenties.

During adolescence we burst with our emotions towards the outside, an exciting world full of possibilities, but that makes us feel vulnerable; Because we no longer have home's "protective atmosphere", as a teenager we are stuck in between, we are too old for kids stuff yet too young for adult matters. You feel insecure, more focused on what other's think of you than who you really are, you feel rebellious and hungry for new experiences.  

Back on my late teens I did something crazy. Just a month before becoming 18 I moved in with my boyfriend,  boyfriend I had meet just a week prior to that and that was 8 years older than me. 
I knew the truth at 17...

I didn't tell anyone, not my parents, nor my siblings or friends, not even my (back then) boyfriend and owner of the apartment I was moving into. I slowly started to take all of my belongings into his place, and one fine day I appeared with a huge suitcase, a simile and a "honey now we can live together!". 

Everyone freaked out. I don't even remember how everything exactly went,  but surely most of them were shocked. I am so not setting a good example here... I wouldn't do it again and I certainly don't recommend you to copy my behaviour. The point I'm trying to make is that during adolescence the first emotional floods appear, but the tools to confront them are still very weak and the life experience is scarce, so we are prompt to do something crazy without considering the possible outcomes and consequences of our actions.

In the beginning of our independence we are presented with an abyss of difficulties, of efforts and challenges that we will have to overcome, but it is not at all a bad thing.In fact I believe it will make you grow and mature. At least it has helped me. I sincerely believe that you begin to mature when you really take responsibility for yourself and your environment. When you realise that, in reality, it turns out you are not as mature as you thought; But that encourages you to grow and develop even further.

Then you become aware of yourself, immersed in your virtues and your defects, in short; In who you are; Without pretending or hiding and, personally, it is when I have felt more confident. Because you discover a new perception of reality, you know who you are and who you can become and then you know that nothing can stop you. You just need to be you, not what society, your family or even yourself think you should be. Just the real you.

According to neuroscientists, adolescents have extraordinary potential: At age 14, cognitive skills, and especially the ability to learn quickly, are very high. Experts say that teens seem to be more concerned about how others perceive them that how they actually feel about themselves.
Perhaps it is because since birth we are convinced that we are very different from those around us, in childhood we are taught to distrust our feelings because they say they are supposedly irrational, therefore it begins the repression of feelings and we start to interact with others through a "masc" made of a mixture of modesty, because we do not show our true feelings in case they disturb others, and distrust, believing that the less we show of ourselves the less vulnerable we will be.
Concealing our true selves and cutting off our uniqueness.

Something we must learn is to stop being afraid of not knowing and that our conscious decisions, our way of feeling life and our emotions are appropriate. If that's the way you are, it's fine, it's perfect.
In the early age of 14-15, is when adolescents begin to need to distance themselves from their parents and they do so by discussing why they want to do things their way, to be free. According to psychologists this behaviour is necessary to establish a personal identity. Also is where it appears the "disciplined devotion" that arises towards their emerging personal identity and that will shape their future life.

When we are children adults do not seem to respect us too much; We are explicitly told that we must be conformed according to their indications, since we are imperfect and ignorant.
So, convinced that their feelings and their minds are still weak, children give their authority to the adults around them.
And, as they grow, they are constantly seeking the approval of others, apologising for the way we look, hiding our emotions and competitiveness and distrust are the norm. And those brave enough who do not do that and "reveal themselves" as they are end up feeling like fragments loose and shipwrecked in the world...

Parenthood it's very important to me. And when the time comes, I want to treat my children with love and respect so that they are confident and they love themselves and others with honesty. So that they are emotionally intelligent and able to develop and find their passions. And, of course, that they continue to do so as they grow, become teens and, eventually, adults. So let's do it, let's destroy this model by starting with ourselves. By starting to treat others as equals and communicating emotionally and then educate our offspring so that they do not have these problems.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Irrational Feelings, a Not So Sweet Valentine.

Why are feelings so complicated sometimes?
My rational side doesn't really understands it. But I must confess I feel envy and jealousy for happy couples... Not in a negative way of course,  I feel happy for them. But still...
Does it have something to do with Valentine's day? Maybe. Though, it's actually about a specific guy I kind of have a crush on. I believed I was over him... I guess I was wrong.

Goodbye, my almos lover, a Fine Frenzy.

Still I don't understand my feelings,  I met him during my holidays. We loved each other only for a night.
He recently said he remembers my fingertips across his skin, my singing voice and my...
I have been going on a few dates lately and, with him, I actually felt a connection, do you know that feeling of wanting to get to know someone better? I do believe it was a reciprocal emotion. Which only makes it all that much more disappointing that we never had an actual chance to do so as we live in different countries,

We kind of kept in touch for a while, he charmed me with his seducing words and his broad smile, and I used to record some songs for him.

Now he has another lover, another boyfriend. I do think it's the best though,  I don't believe in long distance relationships and I wish them both the best. But yet... Is it normal the sorrow and envy I am experiencing?  That I wake up in the morning with the memory of him on the back of my mind. So... He is gone and yet I am hunted and I bet he's just fine...

Anyway. I know everything will be alright, at least eventually. I guess the bright side to this is that I got to contemplate and accept some emotions. Literary everybody thinks of me as a very cheerful person, I am. But not constantly. In fact I have always struggled when it comes to negative emotions. I don't think repressing or ignoring them is healthy so... Well I am working on it. :)

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Past Lives Stories.

Do you believe in reincarnation? As the curious person I am i have always wondered what happens once we past away. Is there life after death? Maybe... I am not too troubled by this question anymore as I know there is life before death. I will find out at some point anyways...
The woman in red, Indian painting.

So apparently reincarnation is when the soul survives death and comes back, in variable intervals, taking shape into another physical body, with the purpose of development and growth of the soul both wisely and spirituality.

Either way, I got inspired to write this due to a conversation I recently had with a friend from high school, she reminded me of the time we went to get a reading of our past lives.

There was this gypsy lady that could read the future and tell you about your past lives. She had always wanted to consult hers with that woman. But was too afraid to go all by herself. So for her birthday I accompanied my friend to visit the mysterious lady.

I couldn't be more sceptical about the situations, it smelled of falseness all over the place. And the overdose of mystical cliche with the dark atmosphere and her deep steady voice didn't help. Tough my friend seemed quite exited all the time. That is until the gypsy clairvoyant was done with her reading. My friend was quite disappointed (apparently she was a squirrel in her past live).

My past live story, though, was a bit more turbulent. It seems I used to be a sexy Indian dancer that seduced unworthy man with my belly dancing just so that I could poison them. the interesting bit, and that actually made me reconsider the veracity of the hole business, was that I actually know how to belly dance. In fact, I have known since I am very little, I have got my mom as a testimony. Nobody taught me. I just knew...

So what do you think?

Sunday, 5 February 2017

The Art of Losing isn't Hard to Master.

I have lost many things, my favorite crystal,  my red notebook... I have lost a friend,  a lover, even the future I once hoped for...
But as my best friend and I think. Sometimes this things in life aren't mistakes, but lessons.
The following poem by Elizabeth Bishop is one of my favorites, and to me it represents exactly that.
Daisies in a Paintbucket, by Elizabeth Bishop
The art of losing isn't hard to master;
So many things seem filled with the intent
To be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther,  losing faster:
Places, and names, and what it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I've lost my mother's watch. And look!
my last,
or next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

-Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
 I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master .
Though it might look like (Write it!)
like disaster.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Tips on How to Learn Another Language.

I don't know if you can tell but English isn't my first language. I started learning English back in August 2011, and I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I can definitely get by so I thought I'd share some pointers to help you out if you're trying to learn a language, that actually worked for me.

KNOW WHY First of all I suggest you get your priorities right, by that I mean acknowledge where does your motivation come from? Learning a new language is an amazing experience that opens up your horizons and allows you to access new experiences, make new friends, travel and extra knowledge. But it is also a time consuming activity that will require effort and persistence, so make sure you keep up the motivation!

GET ABSORBED  If you really want to learn a language you need to love and breathe it! Travel, or even better, watch TV. Of course, without subtitles. I know, I know... You will probably not understand anything. But you will get used to it eventually. If the subtitles are on, the brain doesn't really focus as much on learning because it is on its comfort zone. It took me months to begin to understand any English, but I watched movies I had seen before, so I already knew what was going to happen. When you are a bit more confident start to read books, even if you only understand half of it. 

TALK Practice even if it is just with yourself. I used to repeat the words I heard on television to myself, it is not like my pronunciation is perfect or anything, but is close enough, to the point that people can never guess where I am from! I know it can be a bit embarrassing, but go on and talk to as many people as you can, nobody learns without making mistakes first, and only a fool would make fun of you for making a mistake.

STUDY Get some basic grammar books, keep a journal and jot down any new words or expressions, the opportunities are everywhere. If English is the language you are trying to learn, probably you knew that "jot down" means to write something down based on the context, so it is always good to annotate these words and/or expressions and look up the meaning if you aren't sure. 

GET HELP Doing something is always more enjoyable if you share it with someone else, whether it is from a friend that learns the language with you and helps you in the low motivation points. Or from a teacher, in fact I am going to recommend Simon, a friend that has always helped me with my English. He is a teacher licensed in English Philology and Literature. I believe he might be available for Skype lessons, so send him an email to if you are interested!

Good luck expanding your horizons! Can you think of any more advice to learn a new language? I am currently studying German, so danke for reading!