Is it weird that I am so into health and well-being at age 22? For some reason literally every single person I meet gives me a curious look, or a whispered wow. So I am going to explain the foundations of a healthy life to demonstrate how easy it is to be healthy.

As the lovely actress, model and writer Cameron Diaz states on her book "
The Longevity Book"; the best way to live fully is to live healthfully. So the first thing you need to be healthier is information. Let's start by defining what health is, the answer is very simple. Health is the natural state of any living being and disease is the consequence of a rupture of that natural harmony. And to recover it and/or maintain the health you have to do something very easy; To start you must have the will to do it. A healthy life is the one that puts the means to support the natural resources and defences of the organism in order to keep us in balance. Being healthy is basically doing all the things we love doing! Eating (Nutrition), Resting (Sleeping), Interacting with others (Socialising), Moving (an Active life, Fitness) Creating (project/career you are passionate about) the environment (in and outside our home) and Managing stress (meditation, hobbies, contact with nature...). Whenever you do any of those things the benefits are practically miraculous, and aid your organism at all levels; body, mind and spirit. It is also important to realise that being healthy will not make you invincible, some people justify their unhealthy habits by stating that being healthy doesn't warranty a long life. And of course it doesn't. But it increases the odds. A healthy lifestyle will definitely reduce the symptoms and or duration of any ailments you might experience, or even prevent them from occurring on the first place.
Health is not about unpleasant tasteless food or sacrifice and repression. The truth is that health is about habit, knowledge and gratefulness.
Knowledge because a good health implies knowing the origin and the effects of the food we eat and our actions, once acquired this new knowledge something that used to be a delicious treat, reveals its true colours, and becomes something unacceptable, pure poison.
Gratefulness because, if everyone were truly grateful, wars, conflicts and hatred would disappear. Because when you are thankful for your life, you also appreciate the life of others. And inevitably you stop punishing and poisoning. You respect your own body, your mind, your spirit. You respect nature, you respect the world and all the creatures that inhabit it. Because you thank the gift of life. And thanks to something as simple as being grateful, harmony begins to invade you.
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