"Magic is as old as the universe and so are you." That´s what our grandma said to my siblings and me when we started learning about spells, rituals and magic.
Basically: performing magic is the ability to manipulate and shift our energy to summon a favourable "spiritual environment" for whatever you need; attract love, improve health or curse someone.
We wanted to wear luxurious tunics with intricate magical symbols on them; cast sacred circles with our athames (ritual knives with a double edge) and the consecrated candles; wear the quartz and selenite amulets; pronounce the incantations of the book of shadows; and purify our mind and bodies with the fennel potion and the smoke of cleansing herbs like sage or eucalyptus.
Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse |
But true magic is not about any of that. Many rituals and incantations might include these or a large variety of other objects or tools. But real magic is all about energy.
Our grandma taught us that the most important thing any witch needs to learn is the ability to align your own personal energy with the natural energies of the universe.
The first thing you should understand is that witches believe that absolutely everything is connected. Therefor the creative energy of the universe is also a natural part of us.
The main tool we use to do magic is our own will power. But just that won´t do.
Visualizing, wishing and concentrating your will power are important. Just as important as being one with the creative energy of the universe in what I call "the magic state".
In order to enter the magic state we need to overcome our three main human "limitations" that separate us from this powerful energy and successful magic.
We will need to forget the idea of time. Since seconds and minutes, or concepts such as the future and the past are all human inventions. In the world of magic and energies time doesn´t exist and all possibilities coexist in the present.
Your consciousness needs to be fully present in the here and now.
We will also need to forget about the "physical world". For us, mortal beings, disconnecting from everything physical is extremely hard. We are constantly feeling and thinking about our surroundings and are victims of our senses. But we need to understand that in the energetic realm nothing is impossible the material affects the intangible and so it works the other way around.
Last but not least, we need to surpass the idea each individual has about themselves. Namely our ego. We need to get rid of all the concepts and beliefs we hold about ourselves; our feeling of belonging to a group, our occupation and ideals. Because in the energetic and magical level we are nothing and we are everything at the same time. So we need to, momentarily, abandon our reduced human life and truly be one with the universe.
In our coven we accomplished this with meditation and the raw contact with nature. But other things can trigger the magical state too.
I´m not going to lie, it feels amazing to enter this mode and the first times I did I wanted to stay in it forever. You feel more centred, somehow more alive. Intensely present and happy. More than happy I think I´d say peaceful. You feel a great serenity that rises through your body and somehow you know that everything is as it should be and you also feel an amazing power.